Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Apple to have Retina Display, soon iTV!

With a buzz forming around Apple's next move and many believing that the next version of the iPad (3) will have retina display...I am more interested in Apple TV which has =actually been in market since 2006.
Along with renting movies and TV shows....Apple TV will probably allow users to watch Youtube on their TV's and watch movies from Netflix as well...
Because Apple TV has been around for 5 years you may think this part of the business is not doing well, but you have top imagine forward ala Steve Jobs and so imagine a world where Apple makes the television screen perfect while integrating all of the content from Apple TV. It is a tough vision to have, so maybe just start with thinking about what the iPod did in combination with iTunes and how that affected the music industry.
by: Paul Gozzo

Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Autumn Rut

The Autumn is my favorite time of year. The weather change, the beauty of nature, baseball playoffs, football Sundays and Monday nights, cold weather meals, burning leave piles, hockey is just around the corner....and The Rut!
For those of you who don't know what The Rut is let's start with Wikipedia's definition since everything posted on the Internet is true: "The Rut for white-tailed deer usually lasts from 1-3 months in the Northern Hemisphere and may occur most of the year in tropical zones. The rut is the time when white-tailed deer, especially bucks, are more active and less cautious than usual."
And that last part, my friends, is what it is all about. Catching that big boy out looking for a lady, when he is thinking with the wrong head! Sometimes a hunter will scout an area for many hours only to be surprised at what he sees when the season finally opens up and the rut is in full effect.
Words cannot fully express the excitement and I cannot accurately describe the feeling. Perhaps the best way to describe the general notion of hunting the rut is to go back to the beginning of this blog and to take some of the different feelings from each one of those early fall activities and add them all up and that result is the closest I can come up with to describe the rut.
Happy fall all!
Paul Gozzo