I want to share with you all just how excited I am for many of the kids that I played hockey with and against over the years who are die-hard Bruins fans.
This year The Stanley Cup Playoffs were intense as per usual. The first round was the most exciting round I can remember in the 30 years I have been watching every game of every round. (Well, those I was allowed to watch including those I wasn't. Sorry Ma, I snuck down to the basement to watch a few games when you thought I was asleep). Each successive round had even more excitement and the final series was flat out beautiful to watch.
I know many of you New Englanders felt excitement and relief when the Red Sox won in '04, especially after that incredible comeback against the Yankees, and that Series was a special moment for you. But I have to believe, for all the hours you logged in rinks over the years and all the dedication to the sport of hockey, with all that knowledge and passion you have built up, this Stanley cup win trumps any other in your Boston sports watching career.
Congratulations to all of you Bruins fans!
Paul Gozzo